Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Hola All!!

Well, I am going to back track just a little....

First night we spent at the Mango Verde, a hostel where our volunteers stay..

Then we headed on the bus from San Jose to Liberia.

It took about 5 hours. Rain pretty much the whole way, but did´t stop us from getting there. We did buy banana chips (actually plantian tostadas) from one of the guys that hopped on the plane, but although we would have loved to, we just didn´t buy the heart shaped lolly pop from the one legged man. I didn´t fully understand his story. All I heard was something about econmy, and the history of Costa Rica.

Now the Four Seasons, while it was paradise, I honestly don´t think I could spend too much time there. It is a America in Costa Rica. The beaches were GORGEOUS and the weather worked quite well with us, as we got a perfect day of sun shine. But to get to the nearest town was a $55 cab ride. ahhh, I prefer my hostels.

As for last night; we stayed in Liberia, and then were picked up at 7am and headed out to a Canopy Tour! We rode in the POURING rain all the way up the mountain in this tiny little Toyota! It was fun, and I have had the greatest time using my terrible Spanish, but I honestly cant imagine not having any at all (well unless you are staying at the Four Seasons). The canopy tour is absolutely AMAZING, and only the photos will really explain it, but we zipped from one ledge to the next, and climbed walls, abseiled down upside down.

Then we went for a two hour hike and saw a volcano bubbling! Again, not sure if I will be able to post more photos until I get home.. but they will be posted.

We kinda have a game plan for the next few days, who knows, may involve horseback riding and more volcanoes. After Antonia leaves, I will meet up with Bridie again to go to matapalo to see all the sea turtles!

More to come.....




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