Thursday, October 27, 2005

One in a Million!

Hola! Well, Antonia and I decided just to rent a car and see all we could with the time we had. We drove from Liberia to the Volcan Arenal! Which turned out perfect. We drove all the way around the lake to get to where we wanted to go, didn´t find the main town (which turned out to be a blessing)... we met up with the sunset tour and walked around the volcano then sat for a while and just watched the lava flow. It was like watching fireworks, because you could be staring for a while at nothing, and then the volcano spits massive boulders glowing red down the side.- (the volcano we visited the other day was Rincon de la Vieja where we actually walked up to the mouth of the volcano, Volcan Arenal is way to active for us to get that close). The coolest thing is when the mountain would rumble and it would sound like an airplane crossing above, and then you would see a thick grey cloud above (you will see the photos, I think I only took about 50 of the volcano.
It is just so big and so spectacular and you can hear the rocks fall and it rumble.

We found a place in the mountain, actually a village with a bunch of cabins, and of about 10 cabins, I think we were the only people staying there. The one good thing about not actually finding the town is we were on the side of the mountain in which the lava actually flowed down, therefore all night we could look out our window and see the lava flow. How absolutely amazing is that!?????

Right now we are in the town of La Fontura (I think is the name), we will spend the day shopping before we head back to San Jose. Antonia leaves first thing in the morning. I still have a few days, I don´t leave til Sunday.

Tyson and Barb left yesterday (so, Ty and Barb send me an e-mail to let me know you got home safely).

Ah, by the way the drive here was an adventure as we dodged the potholes... I think driving on the right is merely a suggestion... as most of the time you found yourself on the left just trying not to blow out a tire. It was funny when there were a few cars infront of us because everyone was just all over the road.

We did stop once for me to take a picture of the GORGEOUS lake, and when I got back in realized there was about 100 ants crawling up my legs biting my toes. We had to stop just to try to get them out... now, next time we stop to take a photo, i will just be rolling down the window.

Ok, that is all for now..


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