Sunday, November 20, 2005

Few Weeks

It's been a few weeks since Costa Rica, and I know there was more that I wanted to write about the country that I didn't actually put into my e-mails, but now, I am not sure that I remember everything.

I am still waiting on Antonia to send me all the photos from the trip and to see the Canopy Tour, etc.

Most of the pictures are all posted. And when I think about it, I may write a few blurbs in the future about our adventures in Costa Rica!

Monday, October 31, 2005

One Last Adventure!!

thought the adventures were over.. but I will keep a long story short.

We patrolled the beach and looked for turtle tracks and turtles laying eggs, while I didn't see any, Ben did get to see a turtle just finishing laying her eggs. Bridie and I were a bit jealous.

But when I returned to the hatchery a nest had hatched and I got to see 110 baby turtles! They were so cute crawling all over each other. Three in one next and 107 in another. Then all the volunteers released them into the ocean.

Here is where the story begins.. .

Taxi 6am to the bus stop.

The bus came at 6:30am... and I was excited because I was traveling with two other volunteers, so I didn't' have to go back to San Jose alone, however..... 10 min into the bus ride, I realize I didn't have my jacket on... ummmm... my passport, visa, drivers license, etc. were in there. I jumped up, kinda in a panic. I was stranded in Costa Rica.

I ran to the front of the bus, and this is where my Spanish came in handy. I told I need a phone, I lost my jacket, it is VERY important. I looked at the girls and said, I have to go back, I lost EVERYTHING. So I jump off the bus (10 min away from the bus stop), feeling a bit stranded I get on the bus that will bring me back.

I run into the store, tell them my problem, have him call the ICC, but no answer. Ok, still in a panic, and now I think, maybe my jacket is on the bus, shoot, where is my JACKET?? Then there is a Ford Explorer waiting on the corner (kinda like they were waiting for me.. who knows) .. I explain to them my problem and ask if they can take me to the turtle project. (Coincidentally they were going there anyway).

I get back to the Turtle Project house and one of the guys brings me my jacket. Panic is now RELIEF, however, now I am not on the bus and have no idea how I am gong to get back to San Jose. I just looked at Bridie and said, I wasn't mean to be on that bus. Strange thing is, I put my jacket on that morning and I have no idea how it got off.

This is where Ben and Bridie come in, they are the greatest people of all. We decide to have coffee, calm down, go for a walk on the beach, and then they drove me to San Isidro where I could catch the bus to San Jose.

As we were driving to San Isidro there was a long line of cars. We figured land slide, or maybe something else. We turned around for breakfast, by the time we finished... we saw some cars going by (I think a car was stuck). Then we drove up that mountain, I think the bus I was meant to be on, was on the side of the road waiting, I am not sure it could make it over that mountain because of the slippery mud. I will find out from the British i-to-i volunteer (if I can) what happened and when did she get back to San Jose.

When we arrived in San Isidro the bus was leaving for San Jose RIGHT THEN! So I hopped on the bus and was on my way. I am very gratful for everything Bridie and Ben did for me and well all had a lot of fun doin' it!!! Thanks for the ride!!

All I can say is I am ONE VERY lucky Traveler! I do not know how everything fell into place so easily for me, but I don't think it is just luck..........

Needless to say, I am back in Denver safely. Thank you ALL for reading my e-mails.


Friday, October 28, 2005

I feel my e-mails are not as amusing as this trip has been.

Antonia left this morning..

But let's go back to Fortuna... I got to drive us most of the way to San Jose, well until I got pulled over by the policia.. and in my terrible (maybe not so terrible) Spanish we struck up a conversation, and he asked for my drivers license.. and my passport, we talked about how long I had been there and where I was headed and when I was leaving. I asked him what the problem was (down the road I did get a little scared I asked what his problem was, but I am sure I used la problema and not su problema) - no fear, I laughed, he just told me there was no problem, they just do this and I should baja velacidad (is what I understood) which I translated to... slow down. I agreed. He let me go. So I was off the hook, because the car in front of me did get a ticket.

Now, I had to start up the car and get us going with my leg shaking of nervousness, and well managed to stall the car four times, before I gave up and told them "ella manajar" which was something on the lines of she is going to drive.

we made it back to Alajela with no problem, and Antonia found a place to park, where Juan, the guy from the hostel was the lot attended and said when he gets off work at 7pm he will show us around the town. Which he did, he is also a photographer, and gave us a cd of at least 400 photos of Costa Rica, just in case the weather wasn´t as great for us as it should be. I will see those when I get back.

This morning I got up, first went for a cup of cafe on the corner and read the paper in Spanish, my horoscope only said good things, then at 8am managed to stall the car only three times before I was able to reverse and move parking lots until I met up with Bridie and Ben.

We sat around with Fernando who gave us directions to Matapalo, where the sea turtle projects are, and we all decided it was best if I just return the car, as you can all see by now i am a very avid standard car driver.

Good thing, because as you managed to swerve and miss the pot holes, try not to hit the children walking home from school, nor the men walking with machetes and the trucks coming right at you because they are trying to miss those pot holes, and passing the slow trucks that are blowing exhaust in your face, it would be difficult to have two cars trying to follow me and me behind the wheel. So needless to say we drove straight to the airport this morning and dropped off the car and I hopped in the back seat of the car and we drove into the clouds and massive rain, decided to stop for a very tasty lunch and lemonade that cost only about $3.50 each and headed down the mountain where there was no trace of rain only mud slides from the affects of Hurricane Wilma.

We have made it to the turtle project safely, and we will have dinner at 7p and do a patrol with the volunteers at 10p, til who knows when, and I have decided to get back on the road by bus at 6am, drive back into the clouds and the rain, pot holes and all, hopefully arriving safely into San Jose and will be on that plane at 8am. I will be in Phoenix at 1pm, and I will get off, hopefully nice and rested (I am not up for first class on the way back)... and beg for a longer layover in Phoenix, before heading back to Denver. But right now, up up and away at 2pm. Mom, I will call you.

That is all for now, until I land on safe ground back in the USA !



Thursday, October 27, 2005

One in a Million!

Hola! Well, Antonia and I decided just to rent a car and see all we could with the time we had. We drove from Liberia to the Volcan Arenal! Which turned out perfect. We drove all the way around the lake to get to where we wanted to go, didn´t find the main town (which turned out to be a blessing)... we met up with the sunset tour and walked around the volcano then sat for a while and just watched the lava flow. It was like watching fireworks, because you could be staring for a while at nothing, and then the volcano spits massive boulders glowing red down the side.- (the volcano we visited the other day was Rincon de la Vieja where we actually walked up to the mouth of the volcano, Volcan Arenal is way to active for us to get that close). The coolest thing is when the mountain would rumble and it would sound like an airplane crossing above, and then you would see a thick grey cloud above (you will see the photos, I think I only took about 50 of the volcano.
It is just so big and so spectacular and you can hear the rocks fall and it rumble.

We found a place in the mountain, actually a village with a bunch of cabins, and of about 10 cabins, I think we were the only people staying there. The one good thing about not actually finding the town is we were on the side of the mountain in which the lava actually flowed down, therefore all night we could look out our window and see the lava flow. How absolutely amazing is that!?????

Right now we are in the town of La Fontura (I think is the name), we will spend the day shopping before we head back to San Jose. Antonia leaves first thing in the morning. I still have a few days, I don´t leave til Sunday.

Tyson and Barb left yesterday (so, Ty and Barb send me an e-mail to let me know you got home safely).

Ah, by the way the drive here was an adventure as we dodged the potholes... I think driving on the right is merely a suggestion... as most of the time you found yourself on the left just trying not to blow out a tire. It was funny when there were a few cars infront of us because everyone was just all over the road.

We did stop once for me to take a picture of the GORGEOUS lake, and when I got back in realized there was about 100 ants crawling up my legs biting my toes. We had to stop just to try to get them out... now, next time we stop to take a photo, i will just be rolling down the window.

Ok, that is all for now..

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Hola All!!

Well, I am going to back track just a little....

First night we spent at the Mango Verde, a hostel where our volunteers stay..

Then we headed on the bus from San Jose to Liberia.

It took about 5 hours. Rain pretty much the whole way, but did´t stop us from getting there. We did buy banana chips (actually plantian tostadas) from one of the guys that hopped on the plane, but although we would have loved to, we just didn´t buy the heart shaped lolly pop from the one legged man. I didn´t fully understand his story. All I heard was something about econmy, and the history of Costa Rica.

Now the Four Seasons, while it was paradise, I honestly don´t think I could spend too much time there. It is a America in Costa Rica. The beaches were GORGEOUS and the weather worked quite well with us, as we got a perfect day of sun shine. But to get to the nearest town was a $55 cab ride. ahhh, I prefer my hostels.

As for last night; we stayed in Liberia, and then were picked up at 7am and headed out to a Canopy Tour! We rode in the POURING rain all the way up the mountain in this tiny little Toyota! It was fun, and I have had the greatest time using my terrible Spanish, but I honestly cant imagine not having any at all (well unless you are staying at the Four Seasons). The canopy tour is absolutely AMAZING, and only the photos will really explain it, but we zipped from one ledge to the next, and climbed walls, abseiled down upside down.

Then we went for a two hour hike and saw a volcano bubbling! Again, not sure if I will be able to post more photos until I get home.. but they will be posted.

We kinda have a game plan for the next few days, who knows, may involve horseback riding and more volcanoes. After Antonia leaves, I will meet up with Bridie again to go to matapalo to see all the sea turtles!

More to come.....



Sunday, October 23, 2005

Ok, Where do I begin!? I woke up quite early on a Sat. morning. I'd say 4ish. Made it to the airport on time and arrived into Phoenix just about 8am. Had a wonderful breakfast with Mom (thanks Mom) and then got to attend the East Valley Rotaract Pancake Breakfast for about an hour before I had to hop back on the plane to Costa Rica.

Keep Reading.. this is a great story!

So, I walk up to Gate A25 and had a question, so I handed her my passport, and she looked at me and said you are going to San Jose, Costa Rica right!?
I of course said YES.
She replied, well this is to San Jose, California. ahhhh, Let's not go there, I had to then go to A13. now, of course it is the FARTHEST from where I was, so about 10 min. later I got to my gate, but just in time to get on the plane and sit in my seat for about 15 seconds.

The guy across the way asks me, 'You traveling alone', and I looked and him and said "yes!". he then said, well I am going to break your heart, but would you mind switching with my wife? She was upgraded to first class, and well I didn't get the upgrade. So therefore, with much resistance, I accepted and said, well, if I MUST fly to Costa Rica full class, I would be happy to make that sacrifice for you, so you can sit by your wife.

So I moved and I managed to sit next to Costa Rica Jim! with Bob in front of me and Gary just to his left. A few rich men headed to Costa Rica, basically to spend a lot of money and buy land. It was a rough flight!

I landed in time to grab my bags and then find Antonia (who flew from Phoenix to Houston and then down to Costa Rica) to meet me there. We walked across the street to the pay phones looking for someone to be holding a sign that said my name. Eventually, somehow Antonia found a guy asking for Melanie, who picked us up and took us to our hostel.

Now... we woke up this morning with plans to meet up with Marcela (i-to-i's in country coordinator). While waiting I got to talk to a few British volunteers who just finished building a house in Costa Rica. With the hurricanes and massive downpours, they managed to somehow make a lot of progress on the house, even in the mud.

So, the exciting part. I went to breakfast with Marcela and her father Fernando, and Bridie and Ben (Bridie was my coworker in Ireland, she and her husband just HAPPENED to be in Costa Rica this week too). I was esatic.

We had a fantastic breakfast - plantains con queso and other authentic stuff!

So Antonia and I make our way to San Jose - then catch a bus to Liberia... to meet up with my brother and his wife! We got here and somehow managed to meet them at the four seasons hotel out here on the Peninsula de Papagayo. I feel like I am on fantasy island. I am now in debt to Tyson and Barb for life and we just happened to be here now.. staying in the nicest place in Costa Rica.

Ok, that is all I am going to say for now... because I know this is long .. and I will tell you more stories later. do e-mail me, if you have made it this far.

By the way Mom, I have arrived safely, and I am sorry it has taken me so long to e-mail!

Talk to you all soon,


Saturday, October 15, 2005

Just thought I would send a quick e-mail! I am going to Costa Rica! I am actaully going next Sat. the 22nd and I will return to Denver on the 30th!

So, if you don't mind, I may be sending some e-mails from the the Rich Coast!!

Tyson and Barb will be down there as well, so I will be able to meet up with them, and see what Costa Rica has to offer, as well as Antonia is meeting me at the airport and we are going to venture out into the unknown.

My in country coordinator with i-to-i has arranged for Antonia and I to be picked up from the airport and then we will stay at a very basic hostel where our i-to-i volunteers stay. I am excited to meet some of them. At least the ones I have been talking to for months about going.

Then Tyson and Barb leave the 27th, Antonia leaves the 28th, so I will spend the 28th and 29th visiting the different projects that i-to-i has from the building, sea turtle conservation, community development or maybe some of the schools where our volunteers teach English. (at least that is the initial game plan).

Either way, yet another adventure! Cannot WAIT!!! Hope you are doing well!!
