Monday, October 31, 2005

One Last Adventure!!

thought the adventures were over.. but I will keep a long story short.

We patrolled the beach and looked for turtle tracks and turtles laying eggs, while I didn't see any, Ben did get to see a turtle just finishing laying her eggs. Bridie and I were a bit jealous.

But when I returned to the hatchery a nest had hatched and I got to see 110 baby turtles! They were so cute crawling all over each other. Three in one next and 107 in another. Then all the volunteers released them into the ocean.

Here is where the story begins.. .

Taxi 6am to the bus stop.

The bus came at 6:30am... and I was excited because I was traveling with two other volunteers, so I didn't' have to go back to San Jose alone, however..... 10 min into the bus ride, I realize I didn't have my jacket on... ummmm... my passport, visa, drivers license, etc. were in there. I jumped up, kinda in a panic. I was stranded in Costa Rica.

I ran to the front of the bus, and this is where my Spanish came in handy. I told I need a phone, I lost my jacket, it is VERY important. I looked at the girls and said, I have to go back, I lost EVERYTHING. So I jump off the bus (10 min away from the bus stop), feeling a bit stranded I get on the bus that will bring me back.

I run into the store, tell them my problem, have him call the ICC, but no answer. Ok, still in a panic, and now I think, maybe my jacket is on the bus, shoot, where is my JACKET?? Then there is a Ford Explorer waiting on the corner (kinda like they were waiting for me.. who knows) .. I explain to them my problem and ask if they can take me to the turtle project. (Coincidentally they were going there anyway).

I get back to the Turtle Project house and one of the guys brings me my jacket. Panic is now RELIEF, however, now I am not on the bus and have no idea how I am gong to get back to San Jose. I just looked at Bridie and said, I wasn't mean to be on that bus. Strange thing is, I put my jacket on that morning and I have no idea how it got off.

This is where Ben and Bridie come in, they are the greatest people of all. We decide to have coffee, calm down, go for a walk on the beach, and then they drove me to San Isidro where I could catch the bus to San Jose.

As we were driving to San Isidro there was a long line of cars. We figured land slide, or maybe something else. We turned around for breakfast, by the time we finished... we saw some cars going by (I think a car was stuck). Then we drove up that mountain, I think the bus I was meant to be on, was on the side of the road waiting, I am not sure it could make it over that mountain because of the slippery mud. I will find out from the British i-to-i volunteer (if I can) what happened and when did she get back to San Jose.

When we arrived in San Isidro the bus was leaving for San Jose RIGHT THEN! So I hopped on the bus and was on my way. I am very gratful for everything Bridie and Ben did for me and well all had a lot of fun doin' it!!! Thanks for the ride!!

All I can say is I am ONE VERY lucky Traveler! I do not know how everything fell into place so easily for me, but I don't think it is just luck..........

Needless to say, I am back in Denver safely. Thank you ALL for reading my e-mails.



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